Established grassland

Cattle grazing and low sun

Weed control in established grassland

Controlling weeds in pastures is key to keeping livestock safe, preserving grazing space, and maintaining a healthy, productive pasture.

Why control weeds in established grassland?

Controlling weeds in pastures is important because they:

  • Compete with grass for space, light, nutrients and water
  • Are unpalatable to stock
  • Can be poisonous e.g. ragwort or buttercup
  • Take over the pasture and left unchecked limit ability to graze
  • Can spread to neighbouring properties
  • Make pastures look messy, untidy and unkempt.

Herbicide control options

A grassland herbicide will not cure the underlying problems but will help renovate the pasture to a more productive level for a period of time.

Knapsack control works out more cost-effective if weed populations are below 5% (count number of docks and/or thistles in a 5m x 7m area – this number gives the % weed population).

Choose a product that will deliver a:

  • High level of safety so grass growth is unaffected
  • Grazing interval that is short so animals can return back to paddocks quickly

Products for use in established grassland

ProClova XL

ProClova XL is a new exciting clover-safe herbicide that kills key weeds in newly sown leys and established grassland.

Doxstar® Pro

Doxstar® Pro is a concentrated formulation controlling all species of docks in established grassland.


Envy controls buttercups, dandelions, daisy and other perennial weeds in paddocks and low productivity grassland.

Forefront® T

Forefront® T delivers the highest levels of control of docks, thistles, nettles, ragwort, buttercups and dandelions.

Grazon® Pro

Grazon® Pro provides excellent control of broad-leaved dock, curled dock, creeping thistle, spear thistle and common nettle and also has an effect on a large range of other weeds.

Pastor® Trio

Pastor® Trio provides great versatility with use in established grassland, new sown leys, grass grown for seed, maize and cereals.


Thistlex® is a very effective translocated product for both creeping and spear thistle. It is very safe to grass. 


Common weeds in grassland



Grass yield / grazing is lost mainly by competition from nettles for nutrients, light and moisture, but also from stock refusing to graze close to nettles.

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Thistles compete with grass for space, light, nutrients and water, and they are unpalatable to stock.

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Docks are the most pernicious and damaging of all grassland weeds.

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Ragwort poses a serious threat to livestock health, left unchecked it can quickly spread and reduce available grazing.

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Creeping buttercup is often a severe problem in horse paddocks, where close grazing tends to open the sward.

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Looking to establish a new ley?

Understand the importance of weed control as a part of the reseeding and new ley establishment process.

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