42 Products Found
Aquino™ is a new fungicide for the control of Septoria tritici, brown rust and yellow rust in winter wheat, winter triticale, winter spelt and durum wheat.
Astrokerb® is a contact and residual herbicide delivering control of annual meadowgrass, poppy, mayweed and other grass and broad-leaved weeds in winter oilseed rape.
Belkar® is a new post-emergence autumn applied herbicide for superior control of a wide range of broad-leaved weeds in winter oilseed rape.
Broadway Star delivers outstanding performance in winter wheat against yield robbing grassweeds including wild oats, ryegrasses and bromes.
Celadon™ is a post-emergence herbicide for use on managed amenity turf, including domestic lawns, and amenity grassland
Doxstar® Pro is a concentrated formulation controlling all species of docks in established grassland.
Envy® is a herbicide for broad-leaved weed control in paddocks and pasture. Envy controls buttercups, dandelions, daisy and other perennial weeds.
Flexidor is a residual herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds in fruit, vines, hops, forestry, ornamental plant production and amenity vegetation.
Forefront® T for the highest levels of control of docks, thistles, nettles, ragwort, buttercups and dandelions.