Corteva Agriscience Forage Hub

Cornfield At Sunset

Forage management for livestock farmers

We offer experience, knowledge and a wide range of products to help farmers manage and grow top-quality forage for their livestock. 

Solutions for your forage crop

Maximising your homegrown feed potential can contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future, as reducing your reliance on bought in feeds can bring both financial and environmental benefits.

Explore Corteva’s solutions for your new sown leys, established grassland, maize and silage inoculants. 

In season advice


PACTS Book 2024/25

Download the Pioneer® PACTS Booklet now, featuring full descriptions and trial results for maize hybrids available for purchase in 2024.

Download now
Clover in grass

Clover-safe herbicide now available

An exciting new clover-safe herbicide from Corteva Agriscience has been approved by Pesticide Registration and Control Divisions (PRCD) and will be presented to the Irish market by Whelehan Crop Protection.

Read the press release

High quality silage with Corteva inoculants

Faster and more efficient fermentation means less dry matter loss and improved stability and digestibility of silage crops. 

Explore silage inoculants

Product highlights


Clover in grass

ProClova® XL

ProClova XL is a new exciting clover-safe herbicide that kills key weeds in newly sown leys and established grassland.

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Envy® controls common chickweed and common mouse-ear chickweed.  

Common chickweed and common mouse-ear will also be found in established grassland, often in damaged swards, or where slurry injectors open the sward allowing their establishment. 

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dock regrowth

Doxstar® Pro

Doxstar® Pro is a concentrated formulation controlling all species of docks in established grassland.

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Grazon® Pro

Grazon® Pro provides excellent control of broad-leaved dock, curled dock, creeping thistle, spear thistle and common nettle and also has an effect on a large range of other weeds.

Find out more


Browse our extensive resource collection to tap into a wealth of information and expertise from our specialists, who are on hand to give you the knowledge and resource you need.

Forage App Blue

Forage App

The Forage App features a range of resources to help farmers maximise their grassland quality. 

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Decision Tree Updated Jan 2024

Grassland herbicides decision tree

Take a look at our grassland herbicides decision tree to find the best solution for your situation. 

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Agricultural production and farming practices largely impact the environment and the overall health of our planet.


As a result, it is vital for livestock farmers to ensure that pasture-led production systems are sustainably managed as they continue to deliver for the consumer.

Learn More

Ask our experts - FAQs

When is best to spray docks & thistles?

Wait for active growth. Target spray at a rosette stage - 15cm across. Once a seed head appears, performance will be les. Take a look at the Spray Timing toll in Support Tools of the Corteva Grassland App to get more information.

When is the best time to control buttercups?

Best control is achieved by application pre flowering to active leaf growth. This is likely to be in April. 

Which Corteva grassland products control ragwort?

Only Forefront T controls ragwort. Other products can have some effect so if ragwort is present at the time of spraying ensure animals are returned when either ragwort has decayed completely or has greened back up and become unpalatable again.


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