Controlling weeds in paddocks is crucial because they compete with grass for nutrients, can harm horses, minimise grazing space, and make pastures untidy.
Controlling weeds in paddocks is crucial because they compete with grass for nutrients, can harm horses, minimise grazing space, and make pastures untidy.
Controlling weeds in paddocks is important because they:
There are several control options. These include:
Much will depend on how many weeds are present. Knapsack control works out more cost effective if weed populations are below 5% (count number of docks or thistles in a 5m x 7m area – this number gives the % weed population).
Choose a product that will deliver a:
Envy™ and Grazon®Pro meet these requirements.
Envy controls buttercups, dandelions, daisy and other perennial weeds in paddocks and low productivity grassland.
Grazon®Pro provides excellent control of broad-leaved dock, curled dock, creeping thistle, spear thistle and common nettle and also has an effect on a large range of other weeds.