


P8171 is a very late maturing hybrid. It should be grown only under the most favourable sites in the open where an early harvest is not needed, and a high dry matter yield is sought. Under film it can be grown on favourable sites. 

Primary End Use

  • Forage
  • Biogas

Hybrid Characteristics

  • Very tall, large stature forage hybrid
  • Very high dry matter yields

Grown In The Open

  • On favourable locations 

Grown Using The Samco System

  • Suitable for favourable locations under film
  • Do not sow if planting has been delayed
Characteristics Grown in the open Samco System
Early vigour Good Good
Lodging resistance* 7.8
Eyespot resistance score** Not available Not available
Stover dry-down rate Slow Moderate
Forage seeding rate** (seeds/ha) 98000 98000
Film penetration availability*** Not applicable Good***

* Score on a 1- 9 scale where 9 = very resistant

** Assumes plant establishment losses of less than 5%

*** Film penetration varies with conditions and film. Trials conducted with Samco and Maizetech films