Counterfeit and illegal pesticides in Europe

sprayer in wheat field

Anti-counterfeiting and Brand Protection

Authentic and legal products undergo extensive testing and strict regulatory evaluation before being placed on the market. These development and government review processes serve to ensure only safe and high-quality products are commercialised.

However, there is a growing number of counterfeits and illegal products on the market.  These illicit products compromise sustainable agriculture and also pose an unacceptable risk to human and environmental health. At Corteva, we have a global anticounterfeiting strategy to protect our customers and our brands.

All agricultural stakeholders in Europe are under threat

Two contrasting worlds


Threats to the value chain


What various stakeholders can do to reduce illegal pesticides?


Useful Contacts

Corteva are on hand to assist you with any questions that you may have. For a more extensive list of Corteva contacts click here

Liz Glynn, Corteva National Field Technical Manager

Corteva Technical Hotline

** Infographic produced and owned by ECPA, data produced by EUIPO and Europol, the original brochure can be reached from here