Manhattan is a 3-way combination of pyroxsulam, florasulam and Arylex™, a post-emergence herbicide, providing broad spectrum grass and broad-leaved weed control in winter wheat, durum wheat, winter rye, winter triticale and winter spelt.
PCS No. 07170
Recommended crop:
Winter cereals (wheat, durum wheat, rye, triticale and spelt)
Active Ingredient:
52.1 g/kg of halauxifen-methyl, 37.5 g/kg of florasulam, 187.5 g/kg of pyroxsulam and 266 g/kg of cloquintocet acid (safener). Group 2 and 4 Herbicides
Water Dispersible Granule (WG)
Pack Size:
500 g – 5 ha pack
Maximum Individual Dose:
100 g/ha
Maximum Number of Applications:
1 per crop
Application Timing:
Water Volumes:
100-400 l/ha
Buffer Zone:
10m buffer zone to surface water bodies. Buffer zone can be reduced to 3m if 75% drift reducing nozzles are used according to STRIPE
Spray Quality:
Medium as defined by BCPC
Apply using Standard or low drift nozzles
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